Environmental Policy

We care deeply about our natural environment and do our best to reduce our footprint and protect this beautiful place and the creatures that inhabit it. Some of the ways we do this are reduction of waste going to landfills, water conservation and waterway management, reduction of chemical use, permaculture practices, sewerage management, and stewardship of our natural environment. We continually assess and seek to improve our performance in this regard.

Our commitment is reflected in the following measures:

1. No single use plastics and use of bulk supply when possible.

  • Bathroom amenities- shampoos, conditioners, body wash, hand wash, and body lotions: We provide organic shampoo, conditioner, body wash and lotion in large dispensers and restock from bulk supply to minimise waste. 

  • Laundry and dishwashing supplies: Laundry and dish detergent is environmentally friendly, sourced in bulk and refilled. Eco-washing cloths and long-life scrubbers are provided to minimise waste (no Chux, other single use cloths, or cheap disintegrating sponge products are provided in cottages).

  • Welcome breakfast hamper- our hampers are stocked with healthy locally sourced products and no single use plastics.  Locally baked sourdough bread, eggs laid on site by our lovely hens, Tasmanian butter and milk.  We buy our butter in large containers and supply it in glass jars to avoid waste.  We supply jams in family sized jars. Our cereals are also purchased in bulk and supplied in Ball jars, to minimise landfill.

2. Water conservation, septic system and waterway stewardship.

  • All cottages use rain water for drinking, cooking, bathing, and laundry. Bore water is used for flushing toilets and on the gardens, when necessary, but plants are chosen for their ability to withstand drought conditions.

  • We have recently installed a new, large shed and water tank which is gravity fed and which tops up each cottageā€™s water supply when needed- this has eliminated the need for water cartage in dry spells, which has reduced our footprint.

  • Each cottage has its own septic system. Waste water goes to a carefully designed large French drain system for minimal impact on the environment. The system is designed with extra capacity, so there is never a waste water problem even if a blockage should arise.

  • The land on which we sit features a natural watercourse that carries water through the sand dunes and to the sea when heavy rains come.  We get a few big rainstorms each year, and it is critical to maintaining this natural drainage. The gardens are designed to protect the waterway, with wooden walkways over the watercourse and a culvert under the main drive allowing water to flow freely. The water saturates the ground around the waterway during these rain events, and this process is important for bird and animal life.

3. Recycling and composting

  • All cottages have their own recycling bin, separate from general waste. Each week, we sort waste from recyclables (sometimes guests mingle waste with recyclables and vice versa, and we are committed to maximising recycling and minimising landfill).

  • All cottages have a kitchen compost container, and food scraps go to the chooks or to compost (as some scraps are not chook friendly).  This helps minimise landfill.

  • Garden waste is composted.

  • Chicken droppings from the hen house are composted and used on the vegetable patch, to recycle the nutrients and minimise the need for other fertilisers.

  • The gardens beds and leaf litter are constantly turned over by our free ranging chickens, who help them compost and add just the right amount of natural fertiliser!

4. Cleaning 

  • Cleaning is done with eco-cloths and plant based cleaning and disinfectant agents (Method products are used and bulk sourced), unless there is a special need for a hospital strength disinfectant. Special cloths for shower, glass, stainless steel and benchtops minimise the need for cleaning agents.

  • See above regarding dishwashing and laundry supplies. Laundry for the cottages is also done using ecofriendly products (bulk sourced) and a large capacity top of the range front loading washer uses as little water as possible for the best clean. Guests are provided with one towel each with further towels on request to minimise laundry.

  • Dyson vacuums are used to clean efficiently and eliminate the need for vacuum bags.

5. Energy consumption

  • The cottages are well insulated and the main heating source for all but the disabled friendly cottage is an efficient woodburning stove, for which wood is sourced locally.

  • Ceiling fans and shade eliminate the need for cooling.

  • Each cottage has a clothes horse for clothes drying.

  • Several new and energy efficient refrigerators, hot water heaters and water pumps have been installed.

  • LED lights/long life are used to minimise power consumption and turnover of bulbs.

  • Installation of solar panels has been agreed and will be implemented in the 2021-2022 financial year.

6. Gardens, beach and wildlife

  • The gardens feature many native plants to support local wildlife, which is abundant. 

  • We regularly search for and pick up litter when it appears washed up or left on the beach, and along Tasman highway. 

  • Vegetables and roots are left for the pademelons during the dry season, and water for birds is abundant with a large flowing fountain and birdbaths.

  • Injured wildlife is taken to Pademelon Park for rehabilitation as needed.